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Tue 21 January 2025 7:45 PM - 9:00 PM
RDNHS - Sulham Woodmeadows
Location: Pangbourne Village Hall, RG8 7AN

We have a meeting in Pangbourne with a talk from Ed Cooper of BioCap Ltd. Sulham Woodmeadows is a 130ha area of former arable land on the Sulham Estate and is being transformed into a landscape aimed at increasing biodiversity. 

Ed Cooper is the founder of BioCap, a small charity that has assisted Sulham Estate with the design and practical work on this large area of land. He will explain the process and habitat creation work that is occurring.

All welcome, non-members £3 charge. Free refreshments.

Please note that the main carpark now charges in the evenings - please park in the village hall carpark which is the turning immediately after the main carpark.